Celebrities Reveal Their Hidden Talents

The rich and the famous. They have beauty, money, extraordinary abilities, and lives that most people can only dream of. But, there's more. Some celebrities have mind-blowing party tricks, ranging from odd to downright ridiculous. Check out these famous folks' bizarre talents. Who knows, maybe being a total weirdo is the secret to stardom?
Kendall Jenner - Bird Calls

It's difficult to determine what Kendall's bird noises mean. Mating calls? Cries for help? Does she need food? The sultry star clearly has more going for her than her exquisite appearance. When her modeling career is over, perhaps she can consider a career in falconry?
Nick Offerman - Woodworking

Star of Parks and Recreation, Nick, has more strings to his bow than tons of credits and awards for film and TV shows. In fact, he's got wood. A wood shop to be precise. Nowadays, he's so sought-after, he turned down David Letterman's commission for a wooden canoe!
Bella Thorne - Can Eat A Whole Onion

Model, actress and singer Bella must have a different set of taste buds than most people. She's been caught chowing down on a onion as casually as Leonardo DiCaprio moves from one lover to the next. There's something a little intimidating about this particular skill, girl.