This Wheel Of Fortune Player Was Acting Very Strange Until People Realized Why

Wheel of Fortune is known for plucking everyday people out of their ordinary lives and giving them a chance to win significant cash prizes. Naturally, those selected to compete usually show off their competitive side (As Americans love to do on reality TV). So, when Nura Fountano made peculiar plays in Wheel of Fortune’s final speed round, her behavior left viewers stumped.

Wheel of Fortune is notably the longest-airing game show in syndication, being a staple of NBC’s lineup for 46 years. This is no surprise considering that the creator is Merv Griffen, who launched Jeopardy! just 11 months prior.
Never Seen in 46 Years

But even after 46 years, no contestant has ever acted like Nura Fountano did. Even Merv Griffin would have been extremely confused with how the following episode played out.
Guess The Word

Much of Wheel of Fortune’s popularity is due to its simplicity. Each episode sees three contestants attempting to guess the letters of a blanked-out word or phrase, the kind of simplicity that allows both kids and seniors to play along with at home. In between each guess, players spin a wheel that features an array of cash prizes that contestants win with a correct letter guess; these prizes compound until the first player correctly guesses the word or phrase.