What's The Deal With Dogecoin And Elon Musk?

Cryptocurrency has exploded onto the scene in the last year, taking it from once a Wall Street Joke to a legitimate player in the stock market game. As of recent, the popular “meme” cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has become one of the hottest cryptos in the market.
Free Market
Elon Musk has always been verbal—and loud—about his views on economies in which the normal people, opposed to the wealthy and the politicians, have equal access and a fair playing field. Enter cryptocurrency—a 24-hour stock market that anyone can be a part of, with many barriers attempting to prevent hedge funds from taking everything and toying with the market.
Twitter Promises
Elon went to Twitter 2 weeks leading up to his Saturday Night Live appearance to tease about not only his love for the specific Dogecoin cryptocurrency, but to also shout-out that investors should be on the lookout for Elon to speak about Dogecoin during the SNL episode. People jumped on the crypto market to eagerly buy the stock and wait to see if their fortunes would rise.
To the Moon!
Though the big Wall Street rich hedge funds are attempting to currently keep the whole truth of what Elon said out of the media, anyone that watched SNL knows that Elon mentioned and praised Dogecoin several times during the episode. The next day, he then announced that Space X would be taking the Dogecoin cryptocurrency officially by 2022. So, what does all this mean? That one of the richest people on the planet might have just opened the gate for the everyday little guy to make more than his fair share of a buck.