Why Jeremy Lefebvre Invests in the Tattooed Chef, Inc.

The Tattooed Chef, Inc. sells premade meals and ingredients for people with vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets. As vegan diets grow increasingly popular, investor Jeremy Lefebvre has made Tattooed Chef part of his portfolio. Other investors might want to jump on this trend before stock prices skyrocket.
Meatless Products Are the Future

In the past, vegans and vegetarians were limited to Tofurkey and soy milk. Today, with increased awareness about healthy diets and environmental concerns, prepared vegan foods have become a million-dollar industry. Specialty stores like Whole Foods dedicate entire sections to vegan cheese, meat, and frozen dinners, and even grocery stores like Walmart carry vegan alternatives.
More products encourage more people to join the meatless lifestyle, creating a greater demand for vegan ingredients and frozen foods. Brands like Tattooed Chef fulfill this need by selling products made from soy, grain, vegetables, and dairy alternatives that capture the flavor and texture of consumers' favorite dishes. While the boom has already started, investors like Jeremy Lefebvre are buying stocks in Tattooed Chef as soon as possible.
The Tattooed Chef, Inc. has Explosive Popularity

Originally, Tattooed Chef sold their products under the Trader Joe's and Whole Foods brands. As their products gained popularity, they launched their own label and started selling their products to mass retailers, including Walmart. Tattooed Chef's line includes frozen food, premade pasta, and prepared vegetables to cover various aspects of the meatless diet.
As Lefebvre notes, frozen food is one of the most popular grocery store categories. Many people prefer the convenience of heating up a premade meal instead of standing in the kitchen for hours. Tattooed Chef provides options so vegan and vegetarian dieters aren't limited to time-consuming premade meals. Combined with affordable prices, Tattooed Chef has the potential to become a major player in the frozen food industry, which appeals to investors.