Apeel Sciences Attracts Celebrity Investors Oprah Winfrey and Katy Perry

We all understand just how much food is wasted in this country alone. This is especially true of produce that remains unused after only a few days. Thankfully, a group of celebrities know the solution, and that solution lies in the spray-on known as Apeel.
The Food Waste Problem
Produce is so highly perishable that it only has a few days to remain on your kitchen shelf before it must be eaten. Yet with global needs on the rise, it should come as no surprise that modern science has risen in an effort to solve the problem. And the solution was founded in California by Apeel Sciences.
A Longer Shelf Life
With so many food shortages happening across the globe, the need to preserve the shelf life of fresh produce is now stronger than ever. Apeel founder and CEO James Rogers was even quoted as saying that food waste is a tax on everyone, especially as prices continue to rise where stores and businesses scramble to make up for the deficit. Thankfully, there are celebrity investors who have a financial interest in keeping Apeel solvent and saving $2.6 trillion annually. Big names such as Katy Perry and Oprah Winfrey each hold shares in this new venture and are hoping to see it grow in the years to come. This makes them among the first celebrity investors to show an interest in saving the planet plus millions of dollars among farmers, distributors, and customers.
Planting the Seed
Apeel was founded in 2012 with a special grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the original idea of helping countries with limited to no access to refrigerators or freezers. The other idea was to eliminate the need for plastic wrapping designed to preserve the freshness as well.
But the appeal soon reached the shores of which the company holds its headquarters in Goleta, California, which is near the home of Oprah Winfrey. Due mainly to her passion for the consumption of avocados, Winfrey began investing in a few shares of the company's stock just to get it on track and ahead.
As an orchard owner and operator, Oprah Winfrey understands the real value of fresh produce without the worry or the fuss. In fact, the company did begin to experiment its famous spray-on coating with avocados, since they have one of the shortest life spans of all. The company started with Del Monte and Del Ray and expanded to include other distributers, resulting in more revenue for both Winfrey and Perry.
The Current Hollywood Mindset
It comes as no surprise that the current Hollywood mindset is focused on all things sustainable, which is the idea that planted the original seed for Apeel. Their vast team of chemists came up with the correct formula for the plant-based spray-on coating that keeps the produce much fresher three times longer than before. The mere fact that the company has invested in product sustainability made it appealing to a wider audience within Hollywood. With major celebrities such as Winfrey and Perry being conscientious about food waste and its impact on global warming, this attitude has shifted down to every retailer and household in America alone. And this is the type of awareness that's needed for all of us.